
Getting to the root

Is osteopathy for me?

In our increasingly sedentary lives, many are suffering from frequent injuries or chronic pain which can often lead to unwanted periods of sick leave. Our pain keeps us from fully enjoying activities with our children or taking part in the sports we love. Osteopathy is an invitation to reconnect with your body so you can stay active without the pain.

What is osteopathy and what can I expect?

Osteopathy is a very versatile and targeted discipline geared towards helping the body move and function better. My approach is to do a full screening of the body via palpatory and movement/muscle testing, informed and guided by the interview with my client, before deciding on which areas to focus on. A treatment revolves around boosting vitality and mobility in the body and helping it work better as a holistic unit.

What does osteopathy treat?

Osteopathy is effective for quite a variety of problems, including but not limited to: alignment problems, muscular pain, headaches, digestive problems, lymphatic drainage, painful menstruations or post-concussive recovery. Basically, if something doesn’t move as well as it should (be it bone, muscle, fluids or energy), osteopathy can help disassociate the sticky parts, dissolve the densities and help reduce compensation in movement.

6 Transformative Benefits

Safe and non-invasive, long term results may include:

  • Enhanced mobility and flexibility

  • Reduced pain and inflammation

  • Stress and anxiety reduction

  • Improved posture and alignment

  • Reduced risk of injury and chronic conditions

  • Tailored treatment plans


"Byron is an amazing professional and a great person. My first visit was very much pleasant and I'm absolutely coming back."

Mariana Mariano-Lemos de Aquino


All prices quoted before applicable taxes.

Insured with Osteopathie Québec and the FQM for massage


(60 minutes)


(75 minutes)


(90 minutes)


(120 minutes)